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Cleansing crystals regularly is considered necessary as they absorb energy, not only from you, but from anything in the environment where they are located.  Cleansing, or purifying, crystals restores them back to their original, lustrous vibration level where they can work at their optimum level for healing.  To further explain, absolutely everything has a vibration, including emotions and physical objects. Negative energy, including negative emotions and physical pain, have low vibrations. Crystals, when they are at their optimal vibrational state, resonate at a high vibration. Low and high vibrations cannot exist together, so the crystals work to raise the low energies to high ones. That high vibrational energy means health and over all well being is increased.

The cleansing process isn’t a physical cleaning with soap and water, rather it is intended to cleanse the stone of its stored energies, both good and bad.  It is important to cleanse crystals when they are first acquired to remove the energy of those who have handled it prior to acquisition.  The only exceptions are those crystals purchased or given as gifts which have been specifically programmed with particular energies.

Crystals should be cleansed regularly, and particularly after use in healing or meditation practices.  If you are energy sensitive, you can determine if a crystal needs to be cleansed by holding it in your hand and tuning into your intuition.  Alternatively, a good indicator is the 'spark' the crystal has.  If the crystal has become dull, or darker in colour, it’s likely that it needs to be cleansed.  A cleansed crystal is full of light, shiny and sparkly, looks clear, and has an aura. 

There are several methods commonly used to clear crystals and restore their vibrant energy.  Choose whichever method suits you and your crystals best, this list in not exhaustive:

  • Hold the crystal under running tap water for a few minutes, then dry with a clean, soft cloth (*Angelite, Celestite, Desert Rose, Calcite, Halite, Hematite, Himalayan Salt Rock, Kyanite, Lepidolite, Lodestone, Muscovite, Opal, Pearl, Pyrite, Selenite, and unpolished Malachite and Turquoise crystals do not react well to water and should not be cleansed using this method).

  • Leave the crystal exposed to sunlight, either outside or near a window (*Amber, Aventurine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Citrine, Fluorite, Kunzite, Opal, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, and Smoky Quartz crystals do not react well to sunlight and should not be cleansed using this method).

  •  Place the crystal in a bowl of uncooked, brown rice for a few hours.  Dispose of the rice after cleansing.

  • Pass the crystal through the smoke of a lit smudge or incense stick.

  • Place the crystal in a bowl of salted water for a few hours, then dry with a clean, soft cloth (*Lapis Lazuli and crystals that do not react well to water should not be cleansed using this method).

  • Soak the crystal in a bowl of water with a few drops of essential oil added.  Juniper, Lemon, or Lavender essential oils work best.

  • Leave the crystal exposed to moonlight, either outside or near a window.

  • Place the crystal in a bowl of salt, then brush off and dry with a clean, soft cloth (*Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, and Mica crystals do not react well to salt and should not be cleansed using this method.

  • Bury the crystal in the Earth’s soil for a few days.


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