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Essential oils are the naturally occurring, volatile, aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant, and they give plants their distinctive aromas, provide them with protection, and play a role in pollination. In addition to their intrinsic value to plants and their aromatic qualities, essential oils have a wide range of emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness applications, and have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatments, traditional ceremonies, mystical rituals, and medicinal practices.

When you first open a bottle of essential oil, you instantly notice that the aroma is potent and you can typically smell it, even from some distance.  This is because essential oils contain volatile aromatic compounds, which are small organic molecules that tend to change quickly from their solid or liquid state to a gas at room temperature. They are called volatile because they change state quickly. The physical and chemical properties of these volatile aromatic compounds that compose essential oils allows them to quickly move through the air and directly interact with the olfactory sensors in the nose. Such unique properties make essential oils ideal for inclusion in aromatherapy, using these compounds from plants to help maintain a healthy mind and body, as well as other applications. The type of volatile aromatic compounds present in an essential oil determines both the oil’s aroma and the benefits it offers.  Over 3,000 varieties of volatile aromatic compounds have been identified to date.

The nature of an essential oil varies from plant to plant, within botanical families, and from species to species. The delicate ratio of aromatic constituents found in any given essential oil are what makes it unique and gives it specific benefits.  Even with pure essential oils, the composition of the oil can vary depending on the time of day, season, geographic location, method and duration of distillation, year grown, and the weather, making every step of the production process a critical determinant of the overall quality of the essential oil product. 

Essential oils are highly concentrated and can be up to 70 times more potent than than their dried herbal form, for instance, one drop of peppermint essential oil is the equivalent of 25 cups of peppermint tea, so a little goes a long way, and although they are natural botanical extracts, it is important to learn about and respect essential oil safety. 

With so many applications, emotional and physical therapeutic benefits, and spiritual significance, essential oils are highly beneficial and effective when used carefully and with realistic expectations.


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