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Crystal Infused Essential Oil - Rosemary

Crystal Infused Essential Oil - Rosemary

From the Life Apothecary Collection

Pure handsteeped Rosemary essential oil, infused with Tourmaline and Clear Quartz crystals to enhance the powerful value of nature, and blessed with love and light.


With a complex, fresh, herbal aroma and woody undertones, Rosemary essential oil's robust scent makes it a popular addition in aromatic and personal care products.  Often referred to as the 'oil of remembrance', it can help support neurological tissue healing, nerve growth, and mental alertness, and is widely known as a tonic for the hair and scalp, encouraging growth, treating dandruff, and slowing down the greying process.  A strong astringent, it can help tighten sagging skin and ease puffiness, swelling, and congestion.  It can be a valuable addition to massage oils, helping to soothe aching joints and muscles, while emotionally, it energises and promotes a sense of clarity.  Spiritually, it provides divine assistance on life's journey, offering protection to the unwell and bringing forth angelic healing.  Mystically, it may be used in rituals to clear negative energies, and draw healing, love, and protection.  


Ingredients: rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) pure essential oil, 15ml.

Storage: store in a cool, dark place.

Caution: dilution required for topical use; for external use only; information provided is for general purposes only and should not to be used in place of medical advice; if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use.

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